If you are expecting a
baby, then you have probably collated a list of baby items to buy. Chances are
the list is probably overwhelming and you are wondering which items to cross
out or which items you can’t do without. Here’s a quick review of some of the
items I got and how useful they were.

Stroller: this is one of those items that I don’t think was designed for the Nigerian market. Seriously, how many people do you see around carrying a baby on a stroller in Naija? At best if you have a very large living room, you can stroll your baby around the house or your compound if it’s not choked up with cars. Except you live in a serene estate, chances are you may never use your stroller. We are not big on walks in the park, that is if the parks exist at all.
Pacifiers: Some people are totally against this as it is believed to encourage sucking. However, it can be very useful for keeping babies from crying or luring them to sleep. Luckily or unluckily, my son never used one. When he was a few weeks old, I tried to put a pacifier in his mouth but it kept falling out. Thinking it was too big, I tried smaller ones but they didn’t work either. By the time he was older and I felt he ought to be able to grip it, he always threw it out like he didn’t understand why his mouth was being stuffed with a foreign object. On the other hand, I know other babies who are addicted to their pacifiers. Some even cling to it till they are about age 3.
Baby shoes: clearly babies don’t walk till they are about
10months so no point splurging on 0 -6 months baby shoes. You can just go for
the booties or socks that are designed to look like shoes.

Nursing Pillow: this provides a great support to put your
baby on while you breastfeed, it prevents you from having to slouch, thereby
avoiding backaches and bad nursing postures. It also doubles as a chair for
babies who aren’t old enough to seat up yet. It came in very handy for me, in
fact I could barely do without it. It’s perfect for positioning baby for the
countless pictures you’ll be taking. I recommend you get (sew) spare covers for
the pillow, because it will likely get dirty often due to the frequency of use.
Baby Bouncer or
Swing: I never quite got the
hang of backing a baby. Either I folded the wrapper wrongly or I just didn’t
tighten it enough. Either ways my son didn’t seem to like being stuck at my
back either so the baby bouncer was just perfect for keeping him while I
attended to other chores. The music box and soft toys attached kept him
entertained and helped to develop his pincer grasp.
Of course, these are
just a few items on your list, but I hope this helps if you’re shopping on a
budget and considering what items to cross out. The truth is most of these baby
items cost a fortune but are only used for a short while. You could decide to
save costs by asking your older parent friends who are done making babies for
their baby gears which they no longer need. Mums in the house, please share
your thoughts, which items did you regret buying and which did you wish you had
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